Greetings Companions,

In January, Masonic Pathways hosted the Grand Chapter Education Seminar and the Forward Planning meeting. There was quite a bit of good content shared at these events and those in attendance received some great information. It is my opinion that all the Chapter High Priests should attend this event in the future so that they can take away the information and share it within their Chapters. This event is not limited to any specific group or office. It is open to any Mason, but it is built around York Rite Masonry. While not all the information presented would apply to everybody, there is still something that you would learn and gain knowledge from. Be sure to make it next year and see it for yourself.

February has a few events planned and we hope to see you at the Pontiac Degree Day on February 5th and at the George Washington Celebration in Marysville on February 19th. For more information, please go to: ehttp://grandchaptermi.org/ or reach out to me and I will get you the information.

Lastly, for those wondering, the month of January was way better than December was for me. The month proved to be much less stressful as family health was a lot better.

See you in our travels,

Jeffery A Heaven
Most Excellent Grand High Priest
Royal Arch Masons of Michigan

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